Base Miami

Base Miami

Web Design & Development
Brand Strategy
Visual Identity

Introduction to the brand

Base Miami is the program-based initiative of Mana Tech, designed to help international entrepreneurs access innovative US Market-Entry programs.

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Our Challenge

When Base Miami hired us, they were entering a new era in their development. As an active part of Mana Tech, they already had broad experience and a diverse client portfolio. Still, they were looking to expand their horizon to attract more international entrepreneurs to become part of their thriving community in the US. 

For that purpose, they needed to develop a new brand identity, including a logo and website, that showcased their innovative approach, unique networking events, and strong community of business experts.

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Our Approach

Our Approach

To address this challenge, we started analysing Base Miami’s brand essence, target audience, and competitive landscape. 

We identified their customer needs and vital insights, including the relevancy of the three core pillars of their service: Community, networking, and mentorship, crucial resources that every entrepreneur needs when entering the US market for the first time. We use such insights as a source of inspiration for our design strategies.

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Charly Esnal - Founder

"I've worked with many agencies in the past and the passion and dedication that they showed was unparalleled.”

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The Results

We developed a new brand identity, which included a new logo, colour palette and dynamic shapes that reflected their modern, sophisticated, and friendly personality.


Our research found that the old Base Miami logo didn’t express its core values thoroughly. We created a new logo with uneven letters and wavy shapes that reflected movement, connection and support. This image expresses every entrepreneur's curvy journey to accomplish their business vision.


The new brand's colour palette was inspired by the clear blue ocean and skies in Miami and the breathtaking pink sunsets they witness while portraying an evident Art Deco influence.

For the typography, we chose Outfit for the Base Miami logo, headlines and subheaders, as this font perfectly matches the brand’s strong sense of union and community. A simple, bold, memorable, and modern approach to better reflect their brand vision.

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Redesigning their website was paramount. For this purpose, we incorporated simple and accessible features and offered an engaging user experience that enabled entrepreneurs to access Base Miami’s services and resources in a simple manner.

Regarding bodies of text, we employed DM Sans font: a low-contrast geometric sans-serif with clean and crisp lines that perform wonderfully well at smaller sizes and increase user legibility. We also provided a mood board to set the look and feel of the images, ensuring that the images were warm and friendly, with high contrast and brightness.

We also created small hand-drawn illustrations such as arrows, doodles and lines to highlight essential sections on the website, offering a friendly look that invited users to join the Base Miami community.

Then, we optimised responsive design for mobile devices and created engaging content showcasing Base Miami’s experience, success stories, innovative programs, and community events. We emphasised their commitment to supporting international entrepreneurs in their journey.

Now, Base Miami has a solid visual identity that embodies the core values of its service. Thankfully, they are also pleased with the results.

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